About Us

Rowing Ireland is the national governing body for the sport of rowing across the island of Ireland, north and south. The organisation was founded in Dublin as the Irish Amateur Rowing Union on February 3rd, 1899.

Rowing Ireland is the national governing body (NGB) for the sport of rowing across the island of Ireland. The organisation was founded in Dublin as the Irish Amateur Rowing Union on February 3rd, 1899.

Currently, there are almost 4,000 registered racing members in more than 100 clubs and universities around the country, with the overall rowing community estimated to be at two or three times this number. In addition, we engage on average 30,000 Get Rowing members through our schools programme Get Going…Get Rowing.

Most of the work of Rowing Ireland is done by volunteers within the clubs and on our committees and working groups. We have a small team of personnel based in the National Rowing Centre in Farran Wood, including the High-Performance team. There is also a small team based in the Sport Ireland Campus in Dublin.

Our vision is “Spearheading excellence, strong clubs and rowing for life”.

We are committed to “promote a culture of excellence and openness so that athletes, coaches and volunteers have a lifelong positive experience, as we are all Rowing Ireland”.

Our goal is “to grow strong, well-structured safe clubs that provide the opportunity for achievement and enjoyment at all levels”.

The pillars of the Rowing Ireland strategy are:

High Performance – “We will excel”
Reinforce the High-Performance strategy to continue delivering podium performances at ranking international events.
Evaluate and improve the pipeline and pathway to the Rowing Ireland Team.
Provide conditions and support to ensure that all rowers and coaches reach their maximum potential.

Supporting Clubs
Strong clubs are the hub of our sport and central to the success of rowing in Ireland.
Increase standards by providing quality coach education to our clubs.
Support clubs to implement good governance, child protection and safety policies.
Together we are Rowing Ireland #wearerowingireland

Leading Our Sport
Be an innovative NGB, using efficient and effective internal structures and systems.
Continue to operate to best practice standards, as set out in the Governance Code and adopted by our Board.
Ensure our members accept their responsibilities in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Promote policies that support a safe environment on and off the water.

Rowing for All, a Sport for Life
Promote and encourage participation in rowing at all levels.
Retain current and attract new participants.
Enhance existing partnerships and develop new ones.

