We regret to inform you that the upcoming trial scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled due to the poor weather conditions forecasted. Unfortunately, this trial will not be rescheduled. However, erg testing and water trials will continue as outlined in the provisional plan attached below.

December Erg Testing Details
The December erg testing schedule is now available in the attached Excel file. Testing can be completed at any point during the month, but results must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on December 22nd. Please ensure all submissions adhere to the format specified in the Excel sheet.

Provisional Plans for Seniors, U23s, and U19s
The plans attached below for Seniors, U23s, and U19s remain provisional until a new High-Performance Director is appointed. Once this appointment is made, the finalised selection policies will be published on our website.

Queries and Support
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.