About IROW Safe

This IROW safe reporting system is for everyone (Rower, Cox, Coach Parent/Guardian, Club Official, Safety Advisor or passerby) who needs to report an incident or concern, whether or not damage, injury or a health issue has occurred.
Enter the IROW safe Incident Report System
This IROW safe reporting system is for everyone (Rower, Cox, Coach Parent/Guardian, Club Official, Safety Advisor or passerby) who needs to report an incident or concern, whether or not damage, injury or a health issue has occurred.
Report can be submitted anonymously.
Reports are confidential, and comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Acts (1988 to 2018).
Reports are available to the:
- Reporter
- Relevant Rowing Ireland staff
- Rowing Ireland Safety Advisor Committee (RISAC)
- Chairman of the Rowing Ireland Safety Advisory Committee
- Rowing Club Safety Advisor of the clubs involved
The chair of the Rowing Ireland Safety Advisory committee may contact you to offer assistance if required and if the report has not been sent in anonymously.
The information provide may be used to produce anonymised advice to others through the (RISAC), Safety Bulletins, or safety Alerts on the Rowing Ireland Website.
In certain circumstances, Rowing Ireland will also send a copy onto Arachas insurance brokers, Rowing Ireland’s insurance providers.
Data Collection: Rowing Ireland will only collect data that is relevant to your report.Your data will not be shared with any stakeholders not previously mentioned.
Data Storage: Rowing Ireland will securely store all data collection on our secure servers and your data will also be encrypted. Rowing Ireland will keep your data for five years, once this time period has expired, we will delete your data on our servers.
Privacy Policy:Rowing Ireland strictly adheres to GDPR Regulations and your data will be collected and stored for its relevant purpose only.
You can view Rowing Ireland’s Privacy Policy HERE