The National Rowing Centre

The National Rowing Centre or NRC is the epicentre of Irish rowing. It is here that our elite athletes train full time, where our annual championships are held, and where our national headquarters are.

Training at the NRC

The NRC is available to clubs for training and camps. Use of the centre must be pre-booked and the following charges will apply.

  • Daily charge for training at centre €10 per athlete
  • Minimum charge €100

National Rowing Centre Accessibility

The road to the NRC is a gravel road. It is owned and maintained by Coillte. We are presently working with Coillte around the surfacing of the road in order to provide access to all members and participants.

The National Rowing Centre building, which is owned by Rowing Ireland, is accessible for all those who has accessibility needs with a lift and specific services. The ramp bridge into the NRC has an uneven surface.

Should you be attending one of the events at the National Rowing Centre hired and run by a regatta committee or organising committee, please contact them directly regarding access and suitable parking during their event.

Enquiries to

Tadhg Branagan
National Rowing Centre,
Farran Woods,
Cork, P31K704
+353 874190536

The Eircode for the National Rowing Centre is P31 K704

Book the National Rowing Centre

National Rowing Centre Booking Form

Clubs must provide a copy of their POLICY of INSURANCE which shall include Public Liability Cover with a minimum indemnity of €6.5m and Employers Liability with a minimum of €13m and that a copy of the said Policy together with the payment for the last Premium paid be made available to Rowing Ireland for inspection at least two weeks before the event.

Please find attached the NRC usage policy for users.
