A message from Athlone Boat Club Captain – Nick Friel
To all within our Rowing Community that supported our recent event which took place at Coosan Point, Athlone, we say a massive thank you.
It was fantastic for both Athlone committee and membership to have so many of you travel to Athlone to take part in our recent 1k Junior & Master Event regatta. We were blessed to be able to proceed on the day and feel for so many of you have been impacted with cancellation due to the horrendous weather we have been having this season.
It was a day that was planned for weeks, supported by many many colleagues both locally and within our rowing community, not forgetting our very understanding and patient community of neighbours & friends at Coosan point . We entertained 27 clubs from around the county, held 113 races and finished up 5 minutes ahead of schedule and what a day it was. There are so many people to thank , I could write a book but most importantly I have to note our entire membership for their continued support to our club. Our very supportive sponsors for their generosity in sponsoring each race on the day. Rowing Ireland and our hard working Committee and subcommittees. All that were involved in our Health & Safety program guided by our H&S officer.
A special note of thanks to our neighbour & friends at their New RNLI Lough Ree Lifeboat Station for allowing us to share their premises throughout the day.
Finally, to our junior and master rowers. Without you, these events would not happen. Keep working hard to reach your goals and place your bar high. This is not always going to be reached but more so something to aim for. On behalf of myself and the entire committee of Athlone Boat Club, best wishes to all of you that are attending Rowing Ireland Championships July 9th & 15th. Below is a link to all prize giving medals on the day. Please also find attached the results from the regatta.