
Rowing Ireland believe that we, and our clubs, have a duty to promote a positive experience and safeguard children and vulnerable persons from abuse or poor practice. By encouraging all clubs to implement the following guidance, we believe that everyone in rowing will benefit – participants, carers and coaches.

The legislation in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is based on a clear and consistent set of principles, designed with the common aim of promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. Children and vulnerable adults have the right to be safe; all coaches should ensure that this fundamental principle takes precedence over all other considerations. Our vetting and safeguarding policies are free and apply to all those involved in Rowing Ireland, including coaches, administrators, officials, volunteer drivers, parents and participants

Therefore, any Rowing Ireland member that interacts with any participant under the age of 18, must complete a Child Safeguarding Course. Vetting is also mandatory for all members of Rowing Ireland, the regions, clubs and any person seeking to engage with junior members and vulnerable adults.

We have produced a free safeguarding guidance document for clubs, to compliment our Safeguarding Policy. This can be downloaded below. If you have any queries, please contact us at

Safeguarding incident Form

If your club has an incident or accident please use this form to submit what happened. Rest assured the information you submit will be kept private and only used to help with any investigation that takes place.

Submit a report HERE

Club Self-Assessment Child Safeguarding Audit 

Templates of the documents required as part of the audit can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

In Northern Ireland the Club framework for safeguarding standards in sport clubs is applicable, with a self-assessment checklist document for sport. This is based on the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) sponsored document for the voluntary sector, called Getting It Right. Clubs in the Republic of Ireland can still use the framework as a guide.

  • Designated Officer RoI:  Tom Fennessey –  086 830 8610
  • Designated Officer NI: Brenda Ewing – 07979 253 900

To support clubs in implementing best practice we have produced a range of documents which are available below.

For further information, please contact the Child Protection in Sport Unit 

Online Safeguarding 1 Course

All Coaches, Club Children’s Officers (CCO) and Designated Liaison Persons (DLP) must first complete the 3-hour Safeguarding 1: Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Workshop.  This workshop educates participants on the implementation of best practice in safeguarding the welfare of children involved in sport.

This course provides participants with an understanding of a child-centred environment in sport whilst also setting out the statutory guidance for responding to and reporting concerns of abuse. This course is mandatory for all positions involved with young people and is highly recommended for parents to give an understanding of the responsibilities in a sports club.

Minimum age to attend this course is 16 years-old.

Learners between the ages of 16 and 18 require parental consent to attend this course (HERE).

We recommend that you read the Rowing Ireland safeguarding policy documents available below.

Online Safeguarding Course Registration

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    You must be over 16 years of age to attend this course
  • Max. file size: 400 MB.
    If over 16 but under 18 you MUST submit a Parental/Guardian Consent Form
