Start Rowing Documentation

Guidance documents for clubs and coaches

  • User Guide (best place to start)
  • Under 18s consent form
  • Adult consent form
  • Master checklist
  • Course Conditions (could be added to your website to save printing)
  • Start Rowing Passport

Illustrated module guides for coaches

These are for preparation and delivery of each module and can be printed as required. For best quality photos print in colour.

  • Module 1. Introduction & ergometer
  • Module 2. Safety & basics in boat/erg
  • Module 3. Launching & landing
  • Module 4. Sequence from finish
  • Module 5. Sequence from catch
  • Module 6. Feathering etc.
  • Modules 7 & 8. Crew skills
  • Modules 9 & 10. Boatmanship
  • Modules 11 & 12. Celebration event

Beware if printing several modules that the full set contains 36 sides of A4, but you can print all modules together (Modules 1-12 in Single Document) on 20 pages or 10 if double-sided. The text is smaller to read, so avoid draft printing.
